Submitting Art

Good to know: our team reviews all submissions to guarantee quality and variety.

This is a basic guideline of what we can and cannot accept onto auctions for themed nights, as we understand it can be difficult to understand what falls under "copyrighted material" when working on pieces inspired by copyrighted works. This is designed purely to help clear up any confusion, and if it has not fully helped you, please feel free to contact a member of the auction team to check individually or to suggest improvements

We cannot accept:

  • Pieces that are almost direct copies of the work. If it and the original work could be essentially interchanged, it is not acceptable. It does not matter if you have changed the style entirely, if it is a direct copy of the original (or the original with only a few small details changed) we cannot and will not accept it.

  • Pieces that ARE direct copies of the work - if you have traced copyrighted material at all, it is unacceptable and will be rejected. Multiple attempts to submit work in this category will result in a ban.

  • Pieces that ARE the copyrighted work - unless you are the copyright holder for the work, it cannot be accepted. Simple.

We can accept:

  • Designs of characters in your own style. Take a character and draw them however you want, in whatever background you want! Re-imagine your favourite scene or comic panel, have a great time with it!

  • Original characters inserted into existing worlds matching the theme. We ask you be creative with how your character is inserted into the scene, and to make sure it does not break the rule of just carbon copying the original scene. That is still unacceptable.

We at the auction house want everyone to have fun with their art, and especially with themed nights! We don't want to have to reject anyone's art they put time and effort into. It's not fair on them. Ultimately these decisions are made extremely reluctantly.

Last updated